Everyone in KwaZulu-Natal knows you will always be welcomed home with a smile. Our commitment to exceptional customer service remains our primary goal and we make it our mission to meet the needs of you and your business.

Visit us for simple & convenient vehicle finance

When you purchase a Citroën, we aim to be your one-stop shop for all your vehicle finance and insurance needs. When you need nothing but the best customer service from a friendly, knowledgeable and helpful vehicle finance specialist, visit Key Pinetown for an incomparable experience and get the best service around. Key Pinetown is here to guide you every step of the way and always answer any questions you may have with clarity and expertise.

The Key Pinetown team is here to help you every step of the way

We look forward to exceeding your vehicle finance expectations, we are committed to making your vehicle finance application as simple and seamless as possible. Meeting your needs is our primary goal and we will only recommend solutions that are in your best interest, based on our assessment of your lifestyle, budget and personal preferences.

Key Pinetown is an Authorised Financial Services Provider, so you are always in safe hands. Contact us today to discuss our flexible Citroën vehicle finance solutions now.