Key Pinetown

IMPI Warrior Training Programme Turns Out 15 Sales Graduates

Mentoring, skills development and youth upliftment were all integral parts of this Key Truck & Car initiative.

A group of 15 salespeople at Key Truck & Car started 2023 with a life-changing new qualification to back up their new career.

Known as IMPI warriors, they graduated in December 2022 at Key College in Pinetown with a recognised Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Sector Education and Training Authority (MerSETA) sales qualification.

The course is part of a training project set up as the Key Truck & Car IMPI programme. It aligns with the firm's drive to find young people with the best attitude and aptitude. It then provides them with the skills they need to pursue a career in the KwaZulu-Natal automotive industry.

Training at Key Truck & Car IMPI is a structured process of 12 months of work experience:

-The first six months includes bi-monthly classroom sessions and completion of a SA Qualifications Authority (SAQA) registered learnership. The IMPI warriors were subject to formal assessments and projects.

-The second six months involves supervised selling and customer interaction. It also tracks the sales of each IMPI warrior.

The IMPI programme complements Key Truck & Car's technical APPI programme, with both projects growing competency and depth in sales and after-market support. Commitment and follow-through from mentorship by the five Key Truck & Car managing directors sets the IMPI programme apart. A working relationship from the top of each Key business entity ensures that the candidate trainees get the attention they deserve.

"The success of the IMPI programme means that we will expand and diversify from a focus on vehicle sales into leasing and rental as well," says Tony Dos Reis, joint managing director of Key Truck & Car.

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