Starting on 1 July 2024, AARTO has been rolling out their new set of rules for SA motorists to abide by.
The aim of the AARTO system is to streamline traffic offences and introduce a demerit points system (which has been in the trial phase for several years in Johannesburg and Tshwane). The main features of the AARTO system includes: a points demerit system; an appeals process; infringement notices and penalties; and driver rehabilitation.
The purpose behind a Points Demerit System is to promote following of traffic rules, with all motorists starting with zero points (or demerits) on their driver’s license. If they commit an offence in breach of traffic laws, he or she will accumulate points on their license.
It’s important to note that different infringements and offences will each carry a different amount of demerits. The current guidelines for the allocation of points are published as part of the AARTO regulations.
Once a motorist reaches a specific amount of demerit points (the current prescribed demerit threshold is 15) the government may suspend the person’s license. The offending motorist will then be suspended for three months for each demerit point they are above the threshold.
During the suspension period, the offender is barred from driving at all and those who fail to comply with the suspension period, will be guilty of a criminal offence.
For more information, you can visit the official AARTO website at: