Fuel efficiency is something that every motorist should be aware of, but not all motorists know about the small hinderances to their economy over the long-term. Below are 5 factors which you probably didn’t know were affecting your vehicle’s fuel consumption.
Your vehicle's weight is an important factor in fuel consumption. The heavier the vehicle, the more energy it will take to get moving. By lightening up the load and not carrying unnecessary items in your vehicle, will save you loads in the long run. Torque provides a helpful method to calculate how weight affects fuel consumption.
Make sure that you’ve done your study of which fuel is best for your vehicle, and always fill up with that fuel. Using the correct fuel lubricates your engine, while the wrong fuel can lead to knocking (which is very unpleasant for both car and the driver).
Yes, the oil that you use in your vehicle actually affects fuel consumption. There are different types of oils for all kinds of specific purposes (ie. hi-tech engines, new cars, high-mileage cars, etc.). If you read your owner’s manual, you’ll come across your car manufacturer’s recommendation for which engine oil is best for your car.
Driving through congested traffic means you have to shift down to lower gears and keep accelerating at high revs. This stop-and-go pattern requires more energy, which means more fuel is burnt compared to travelling at a constant and reasonable speed.
Having under-inflated tyres increase your vehicle’s drag, which in turn increases fuel consumption.
Under-inflated tyres sag at each side, causing the rolling resistance to be increased which means more energy is required to overcome this. As you can deduce, more fuel is consumed in the process.
Need in-person advice on fuel saving tips for your specific vehicle? Come to Key Pinetown and our team will help you navigate your own around boosting your vehicle’s fuel efficiency. Contact us here.